Tuesday 31 January 2012

International Federation (IF)

International Federation (IF)

International non-governmental organization administering one or moresports at global level.International StandardStandard adopted by WADA in support of the World Anti-Doping Code. Aspart of the World Anti-Doping Program, WADA developed four International Standards aimed at bringing harmonization among anti-doping organizationsin technical areas: the Prohibited List, the International Standard for Testing,the International Standard for Laboratories, and the International Standardsfor Therapeutic Use Exemption. Harmonization in the global fight againstdoping is achieved by the adherence of stakeholders to the World Anti-Doping Program (WADP). There are three levels to the WADP: the Code, theInternational Standards, and Models of Best Practice. The Code andInternational Standards are mandatory for those participating in the WADP.

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