Friday 27 January 2012

Barbell Standing Leg Calf Raise

  • Place a calf block under the barbell which is to be set on a power rack at upper chest height.
  • Keep the back of the shoulders under the barbell. Keep both hands to the sides.
  • Keep the toes and the feet balls on the block. Extend the heels and the arches.
  • Extend the knees and the hips to lift the barbell that is against the rack.
  • Keep both hands to the side while supporting the bar against the racks.
  • Raise the heel by extending the ankles.
  • Bend your ankles to lower the heels until the calves are fully stretched.
  • Repeat the exercise.
  • If the knees are bent at the time of stretching then Quadriceps, serve as Synergist muscles. You may keep your knees straight during stretches.

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