Tuesday 31 January 2012

Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV)

Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV)

Determination that one of the following rule violations listed in the Code has occurred:
  • The presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markersin an athlete’s bodily specimen;
  • Use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibitedmethod;
  • Refusing, or failing without compelling justification, to submit tosample collection after notification, as authorized in applicable antidopingrules or otherwise evading sample collection;
  • Violation of applicable requirements regarding athlete availability forout-of-competition testing, including failure to provide whereaboutsinformation and missed tests which are declared based on reasonablerules;
  • Tampering, or attempting to tamper, with any part of doping control;
  • Possession of prohibited substances and methods;
  • Trafficking in any prohibited substance or prohibited method;
  • Administration or attempted administration of a prohibited substanceor prohibited method to any athlete, or assisting, encouraging, aiding,abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving ananti-doping rule violation or any attempted violation.

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