Sunday 25 December 2011

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index is a real way to see your body. It gives you the exact physical status of your body. BMI calculation is not a wizard’s job. It is a very easy process.

  • Measure your height without any footwear.
  • Measure your weight. Do not wear heavy clothes while standing on a weighing scale.
  • Take a calculator to help you while calculations.
  • Change your weight to kilograms. Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.2 kg. You would get the weight in kilograms.
  • Change your height to meters. Measure your height in inches and divide it by 39.37metres. You would get the height in metres.
  • Square your height in metres.
  • Divide the weight in kilograms with the square of height in metres. You will get your BMI.
  • Look for your age on the bottom of the chart.
  • Look for your BMI at the left side of the chart.

The formula for measuring the BMI is:

BMI = Weight (kgs)/ Height (metres) 2

If your BMI is between 21 and 25, it is within acceptable limits.  However, if it is more than that you can be mildly (26-30), moderately (31-35), severely (36-40), or morbidly (more than 40) obese depending on your BMI. 

Always remember, no matter what your BMI is you should always eat all the minimum servings from each of the pyramid groups. Never think to go on a diet for loosing weight. You must not shirk from being physically active. Involve in healthy discussions with your family and your doctor about your growth pattern.

You must know that the BMI is not measuring the bone, fat, or muscle.  The most complexities arise with the teens, whose body is undergoing constant change. It becomes very difficult to know whether their body is at the right weight or is progressing towards being overweight.


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