Sunday 25 December 2011

Resting Metabolic Rate-RMR

Resting Metabolic Rate-RMR

The RMR is the energy required by an animal to stay alive without any activity. The RMR is responsible for around 70% of the energy spent by you.

Factors determining RMR

  • Muscles: The more muscles you have the greater is your RMR.
  • Genetics: There may be an increase or decrease in RMR due to genetics.  
  • Weather:  Cold weather increases your RMR.
  • Meals: Small regular meals increase your RMR.
  • Activity: An increase in physical activity increases the RMR
  • Growth: During growth spurt there in an increase in the RMR
  • Pregnancy: There is an increase in the resting metabolic rate during pregnancy.


The resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body would have to burn to perform vital bodily functions if you were inactive 24 hours a day.  It is responsible for 60-75 per cent of energy spent in a day. 

Measurement of RMR

Males: Weight (lbs) x 6.2 = X

              Height (inches) x 12.7 = Y

              X+Y+65= Z

              Age (years) x 6.8 = Q

              Z-Q = RMR


Females: Weight (lbs) x 4.3 = X

                Height (inches) x 4.3 = Y

                X+Y+655= Z

               Age (years) x 4.7 = Q

               Z-Q = RMR


To calculate the number of calories required daily

If you are a couch potato, multiply your RMR by 1.2

If you are ambulatory, multiply your RMR by 1.3

If you are moderately active, multiply your RMR by 1.4

If you are highly active, multiply your RMR by 1.6

If you are extremely active, multiply your RMR by 2.0

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