Sunday 25 December 2011

Reasons Why Attempts at Weight Loss Fail

Reasons Why Attempts at Weight Loss Fail

·         You might not be flexible enough.  If you stick to your low-fat diet plans too rigidly, you might find                                                                      occasions, when you cannot avoid having regular high calorie meals. This may discourage you and you may be tempted to abandon your diet plan all together.

·         Your metabolism might have slowed down because you might be eating too little.  Your body might be preparing itself for a period of starvation by accumulating fat.

·         If you have been on a diet before you might find that it takes longer for you to lose weight.  This is because when you lose weight, you lose fat plus some water and muscles.  However, when you regain weight you put on only fat which is harder to burn than muscle.

·         Keep in mind that you need to plan your calorie consumption from season to season, and according to the activities, you plan to indulge in.  In winters, you need more calories than in summers to burn for heat creation.  The days when you are more active, you need to take more calories in comparison with other days.  So plan your calorie intake accordingly.

·         You might be on certain medications that cause the body to retain water or work up the desire for food.

·         As you age, the rate of metabolism slows down.  Therefore, for a successful weight loss plan reduce your calorie intake either a little as you grow older, or increase the level of exercise.

·         You might find that your diet is more successful, if you learn to deal with your emotional problems, mood swings in some way other than food.

·         Sometimes we are unaware about the size of the serving.  If you order something at a restaurant, do not feel compelled to finish it.  Leave it on the plate or get it packed.

·         Learn to distinguish between different kinds of fat.  Olive oil and canola oil are healthy for you and may help you lose weight, instead of saturated fats that are converted into body fat much more easily.

·         Consuming alcohol can lead to failure of your diet because it slows down metabolism while at the same time increasing your appetite.

·         Stick to your diet plan.  Be strong and learn to say “no” politely when your friends or family insists that you eat something that is not on your list.

·         If you crave for a chocolate or some meat, do not deprive yourself as this might discourage you.  Have a little portion of whatever you are craving for.  This will satisfy your urgings and will not blow your diet.  Remember that a diet is not starvation or deprivation.  Many times diets fail because you deprive yourself of the foods you like or crave for.

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