Sunday 25 December 2011

Weight Loss

  • Body Mass Index
  • Waist to Hip Ratio
  • Potbelly
  • Chest and Waist Measurement
  • Obesity
·         Medical Complications Related to Obesity
·         Obesity and Nicotine Addiction

·         Weight Chart

  • Resting Metabolic Rate-RMR
·         Measurement of RMR

·         Diet

·         Sugar

  • Sweeteners Other Than Sugar
  • Sugar and Fat
  • High Protein Diet
  • Low Carbohydrate Diet
  • Fat Replacers

·         Facts about Weight Loss

·         Tips on Weight Loss

  • Types of Exercises
  • Walking Away from Weight
  • Losing Weight
·         Eating Out

·         Treatment of Obesity by Surgery


The desire to control weight arises from the desire to look good. However, weight management has other more important advantages.  Medical studies show that obesity is linked with poor health and a shortened life span.  Getting rid of excess fat in the body through regular exercise and proper nutrition helps to maintain good health and to fight various diseases.

A person is said to be obese if his body fat exceeds 20 % of his ideal body weight. Women, however have more liberty, they would fall into the obesity circle only if their body fat exceeds 30% of the ideal weight.  It is important to note that there is a distinction between being overweight and obese.  A person can be overweight without being obese.  This is because muscle tissues weigh more than fat.  On the other hand, an obese person would always be overweight.

There are several other advantages of loosing weight. If you are overweight then you are more vulnerable to osteoarthritis. Carrying a large weight on your knees is like carrying a huge bag of weight. The knee joints wilt under such pressure and soon you may suffer from osteoarthritis. You are more likely to suffer from the arthritis of the hands than your slim neighbour is. Obesity is also the cause of back pain, heartburn, gallstones, breathlessness while sleeping and even stroke. Being overweight may make you prone to heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Back problems are also one of the reasons of being overweight, as the excess weight of the body lends extra stress to the back. Overweight people are more likely to suffer from problems of the upper and lower back.

Shedding those extra pounds from your body would certainly improve your appearance. Without extra weight, you would not carry the unnecessary burden of those unwanted diseases. Doing away with extra weight would also, strengthen your immune system. It would also make you feel more energetic and would help you to sleep better. By giving away extra fat, you would stop being a menace while sleeping, as you would cut down on your snoring. Thin people are more likely to recuperate faster than their fat counterparts are.  Now, it is time for you to think seriously about those extra pounds and do something about it. As it is said ‘Prevention is better than Cure’, so stop the menace before it begins. Read this chapter carefully to keep a watch on those unwanted calories.

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