Sunday 25 December 2011

Tips to Walk

Tips to Walk

·         If you are a person who is used to sitting for long hours and is starting the walking exercise for the first time, visit the doctor for special advice.
·         Buy a good pair of walking shoes.  Purchase shoes that are comfortable and supportive during walking.
·         You must start with 5-10 minutes of walk and gradually, graduate to 30-40 minutes and eventually, to an hour.
·         Keep a right posture when you walk. Take the help of a friend to check your posture. Keep your shoulders relaxed and let your arms swing freely.
·         Follow the same route, every day, initially. Later you may change the route for variety. Always walk facing traffic if you are walking in an area without sidewalks.
·         For walking, you do not need a formal warm-up and cool-down period. Start walking slowly. Give your legs a chance to limber up. Cool down in the same manner.
·         Note down, everyday, how much have you walked. This would help to evaluate your performance on a weekly basis. It would also keep a track of your sense of commitment.

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