Sunday 25 December 2011

High Protein Diet- For Weight Loss Avoid It

High Protein Diet- For Weight Loss Avoid It

High protein diets mainly lay emphasis on food such as meat and eggs. These foods are highly saturated in fat. Such diets would advise you to cut down on foods rich in carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, which have a high fiber and nutrient content. High protein diets have a certain mechanism of working. These diets are poor in carbohydrates. The absence of carbohydrates results in a lesser amount ready fuel in the body. Since the number of calories is reduced, the body looks for alternative sources to be burnt as fuel.  In the absence of carbohydrates, the body starts burning down the fat cells. The breakdown of these fat cells leads to the building up of toxic chemical compounds, called ketones, in your body. In case of excessive ketones in the body, they are flushed out in urine. An elimination of ketones from the body leads to an elimination of body fluids, without any replacement. This may cause dehydration and an abnormality in heart rhythms. Since, there is an absence of food rich in fibre it may cause constipation. It is often argued in favour of high-protein diet that the excessive consumption of carbohydrates causes an elevation in insulin levels, promoting fat storage. However, medical science argues that even the high protein intake is responsible for insulin secretion. To reduce the level of insulin secretion, the best method is to exercise and reduction of calories.

Excessive protein can be a problem as it contains food, which is high in cholesterol and saturated food. Such diets are responsible for high LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, increasing the risk of strokes and heart diseases. High protein diets increase the risk of gout and osteoporosis as they increase the levels of uric acid in the body. High protein diets are responsible for the loss of calcium, which may lead to osteoporosis. Increased protein diets make the kidneys work very hard and always pose a threat of kidney failure. A high protein diet also, causes greater fatigue during and after the exercise, as the restriction in consumption of carbohydrates is responsible for the depletion of muscle glycogen.

An ideal diet for permanent weight loss and health should comprise of 15 percent protein, this may be slightly higher for the athletes, 30 percent or less fat, 55 percent or a little higher percentage of carbohydrates for athletes. Such a diet should always be combined with exercise on a regular basis.

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