Sunday 25 December 2011

Obesity and Nicotine Addiction

Obesity and Nicotine Addiction

Often people who are trying to quit smoking, put on weight.  They believe this is so because they have replaced cigarettes with food as a form of oral gratification.  This might be true but the more important reason for gaining weight is that smoking increases the rate of metabolism.  So, people who smoke require more calories to keep up their body weight.  Once they quit smoking without bringing about any change in their diet or level of activity they tend to gain weight.

To deal with this follow a regular exercise routine.  Keep a note of everything you eat, as this will help you to formulate your diet properly.  Do not try to lose weight at the same time as you are trying to quit smoking.  Give up smoking first, as it is far more harmful than obesity.  After having done that, you can focus on weight control.

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