Sunday 25 December 2011

Losing Weight: Men

Losing Weight: Men

·         Learn about proper nutrition.  Most men put on weight because they are unaware of the nutritive value of foods and the calories they are consuming.  They have bad dietary habits.  Pizzas, beers, fast food, though may be a convenient choice; they are loaded with fat and calories.  If you are at conferences, parties, or on the road opt for preparations and servings that are low in fat.

·         Men crave for fat in the form of meat.  Substituting beef for skinned chicken and lean meat would automatically help you to cut down on the fat consumed.  When you are out with your friends, remember to control your diet and try to avoid the temptation of ordering food or alcohol, which would get in the way of your attaining your health goals.     

·         They have a very different attitude towards their body weight as compared to women.  Women are overly conscious of their weight, while men, even if they are overweight think they look fine.  Men have a better body image and they do not recognize putting on weight as a problem.  This can be serious because men have a proclivity for android obesity.  This means they accumulate fat in the waist, stomach, and chest region, which can be dangerous and can cause health problems like heart disorders, diabetes, and apoplexy.   

·         Most men do not go on a diet even when they know they are over weight because they think it is a feminine thing to do or because they feel that dieting is synonymous with deprivation or starvation.  However, for a successful diet, it is important to remember that you do not keep any food off limits.  Garner the support of your family and develop an exercise routine suited to your fitness goals.  Along with performing aerobics regularly also do abdominal crunches.  Even though spot reduction does not work for losing weight, it tones the muscles in the abdomen.  The good news for men is that they can lose weight faster than women can, even though they may consume more food than they should.  This is because men are bigger in size, their body composition contains more muscles than fat, which allows the body to burn calories quicker and once men have lost weight, they are more likely to retain their new status.

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