Sunday 25 December 2011

Losing Weight: Kids

Losing Weight: Kids

While you cannot constantly monitor what your kids eats when they are out of the house you can make sure you prepare a healthy and nutritious meal for them. 

·         While shopping for food, make sure you are in charge.  Do not ban any snack.  Instead, offer them choices from which they can decide what they would like. 

·         Stock up your home with healthy snacks like fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables, or non or low-fat eatables.  If you do have to give in to your kids’ demand for snacks high in fat and sugar, serve them with other healthy foods. 

·         Find a system of reward other than high-calorie snacks for your children. Never use food as a reward.    

·         Feed your kids a healthy and nutritious breakfast to stop them from snacking through the day.  Use skimmed milk instead of full cream.

·         For lunch, pack a fruit of your child’s choice, fresh juice instead of soda, sandwiches made of low-fat butter and cheese.  At restaurants, order low-fat dishes and share a small serving of foods that are high in fat.

·         Let your children learn about healthy eating by making an example of yourself. 

·         Encourage your children to exercise and to participate in neighbourhood sports like football, cricket, or mild aerobics like walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging.  Be supportive but do not force your kids.  Let them choose the activity they prefer and enjoy most.  Plan a weekly outing, when you can participate with your kids in their sport.  As regards girls, they should build up their bone density by doing weight training or callisthenics and taking calcium supplements so that they do not develop osteoporosis later in life. 

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