Sunday 25 December 2011

Reasons to Avoid a High-protein Diet

Reasons to Avoid a High-protein Diet

  • High protein diets are not nutritionally balanced. At times, these diets can pose a threat to life.

  • Too much of proteins can result in loss of calcium from the bones and they force the kidneys to work at a faster pace to get rid of the large amount of urea, which is a result of protein metabolism.

  • They are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, thus posing a grave risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  • High protein diets force you to abandon food, which reduces the risk of heart diseases.

  • Excessive intake of proteins robs you of carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy, thus you may feel fatigued during your exercise regimen.

  • High protein diets deny you the benefits of cellulose fiber, a form of carbohydrates.

  • High protein diets lack in essential vitamins and fibres therefore at times you are advised to take vitamin supplements.

  • A high protein diet may help you in weight loss but it is mostly in form of lean muscle mass and water and not body fat. As you return, to your normal diet you rapidly gain weight, thus having little or no effect on your weight loss program.

  •  Protein calories are digested at a much slower rate as compared to carbohydrate calories; therefore during a weight loss program always stick to a high carbohydrate and moderate protein diet.

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