Sunday 25 December 2011

Never Go in For a Low Carbohydrate Diet

Never Go in For a Low Carbohydrate Diet

Often, a low carbohydrate diet becomes popular with the people working towards loosing weight. However, this kind of diet may lead you to troubles. Your body uses carbohydrates as the primary source of fuel. The low-carbohydrate diet does not provide fuel to the body. Low carbohydrate diet causes several health concerns. Some of the problems, which you may face because of the consumption of low carbohydrate diet, are:

  • Loss of Muscle and Reduction in Metabolism:  The low carbohydrate diet is focussed on weight loss and causes a loss in the lean muscle mass of the body. This loss of muscle reduces the resting metabolic rate, which results in rebound weight gain.
  • Gout: If the uric acid levels begin to crystallize in your joints, you suffer from gout. Uric acid is a waste product resulting from the metabolism of protein by the liver. Excessive amounts of protein cause the inability to eliminate uric acid from the body.
  • Kidney Stones:  The crystallization of uric acid and calcium oxalate causes the stone formation in the kidneys. If you consume insoluble fiber, that is present in carbohydrates, you would have a less absorption of calcium. Low calcium levels do not result in stone formation.
  • Constipation and Poor intestinal Health:  If you do not consume fiber then you would suffer from poor intestinal health. Carbohydrate diet is rich in fiber. It eases the process of excretion.
  • Rise in Cholesterol Levels:  You would reduce the risk of heart disease if you eat a diet rich in carbohydrates. High amounts of proteins increase homocysteine, which poses a danger of heart disease. A rich carbohydrate diet increases the digestive bile in the intestines, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Osteoporosis:  The lowering of calcium levels reduces bone density. If you consume excessive levels of dietary protein then, the calcium gets washed with the urine. Lack of calcium in the body is responsible for poor bone formation.
  • Poor Exercise performance and recovery:  The body requires ATP for energy generation. Your body has only a limited amount of ATP stored. The rest of the ATP comes from three main sources, carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acid proteins. A low ATP would result in a low energy generation causing fatigue and fall in performance levels.

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