Sunday 25 December 2011

Eating Out

Eating Out

·         Instead of opting for rich Muglai, American, continental, or French food, which serve rich gravies and sauces and large helpings of meat, go for Chinese, Thai, Italian, South Indian cuisines which use more vegetables and cereals and have sauces lower in calories.  Even so be careful not to order something rich in cream, butter, or cheeses.

·         If you are concerned about blowing your diet, you can request the chef to cook your dish in margarine or vegetable oil instead of butter or to lighten the salad dressings.  Chances are that your request would be considered.

·         Stay away from salads with dressings.  Even though they have fresh vegetable, fruits, and maybe cereals and pasta, they are full of cream, mayonnaise, or chunks of meat increasing their fat content.

·         Be wary of preparations listed on the menu as low fat.  Dishes, which you think are low fat, may have an excess of proteins and carbohydrates.

·         Order soup but avoid those rich creamy ones.  It is healthy and filling.

·         Instead of ordering one dish high in fat order two low fat dishes.  This way you can eat more without adding as many calories.

·         Avoid buffet meals.

·         Avoid butter, cream, cheese, and other high fat accompaniments as far as possible.

·         In most restaurants that have single portions the serving is large enough for an average male.  Do not be pressurized into wiping your plate clean.  It is okay to leave some food on the plate or ask to have it packed.

·         If you are unsure about how a dish is prepared—whether it is baked, fried, sautéed, or boiled—feel free to ask. 

·         Drink adequate quantities of water.  Stay away from mock tails and cocktails as they have sugar and calories.

·         Be the first person to place your order so that you are not tempted into ordering what your friends are eating.  Take time to eat your food.

·         Inform the waiter about your choice of low-fat variants of products like milk, cream, or cheese.  When choosing a dessert, either order preparations that are low in fat or order whatever you wish to eat but have only a bite or two.  Do not deprive yourself but also keep in mind not to binge. 

·          Sometimes, take a break from your low-fat diet and enjoy your meal with your friends and family.

·         If you are on vacation or celebrating some occasion with your friends and family, remember not to binge.  Do not deprive yourself either.  Keep your diet in mind and accordingly, modify it.

·         Take early morning or evening walks, make use of the gym facilities at your hotel, or participate in some sport with your friends.  Most of all, if your diet plans have gone awry during the holiday season do not feel guilty about it but get back on the fitness track as quick as you can.

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