Sunday 25 December 2011

Losing Weight: Women

Losing Weight: Women

·         Most women usually put on weight after childbirth or after menopause.  This can happen even to those women who have never shown any tendency to put on weight.  It is now believed that it is all right to put on anywhere between 10-15 kgs of weight during pregnancy depending on your weight before pregnancy.  This additional weight is due to the heavy uterus, extra blood, breast tissue, and stores of fat and fluid in your body.  If you regulate your diet and remain active, this weight can shed on its own in about half a year.

·         Some studies have shown that breast-feeding actually allows you to shed weight faster.  If you are breast-feeding, consume as many calories as when you were pregnant.  Cut down on fat and concentrate on proteins, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.  If you are suffering from postpartum depression and crave for something sweet, have some fruits, honey or raisins instead of chocolate, doughnut, or cookies.

·         Instead of cutting down on calories to lose weight, exercise.  Do not perform any exercise that would exhaust you too much.  Take it slow—go for walks, perform stomach crunches.  Always consult your doctor before beginning on a workout routine.   

·         Postmenopausal women tend to gain weight because their rate of metabolism slows down.  Therefore, even if they are consuming the same amount of calories and their activity level has remained constant they will put on some extra pounds because the calorie consumption now is lower than the calorie intake.  The best way to shed this weight is to lead an active life.  Develop an exercise routine or indulge in activities like swimming, cycling, dancing, and walks to burn those calories.  Concentrate on the thigh and hip area.  Exercising besides strengthening bones and ligaments, elevates the mood and reduces the occurrence of bouts of depression and hot flashes.   

·         Women crave for sweets when they are depressed, overwhelmed, or emotionally stressed out.  These too are loaded with fat.  Remember that no food is barred but eat only a tiny portion of a sweet or dessert if you cannot resist the temptation.  Do not eat just because you are alone and bored.  Cultivate a hobby or call up a friend.

Men and women both need to remember that the height-weight table is very standardized.  You do not need to lose weight if your waist-hip ratio is satisfactory and if you do not suffer from any weight related health complications.  When you exercise, remember that it is not important how many kgs you lose in a week or month but how you feel after an exercise session.   

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