Wednesday 1 February 2012

WADA: The World Anti-Doping Agency.

3.2 Defined terms from the IST and/or Guidelines for Urine Sample Collection
Athlete Representative: A person designated by the Athlete to assist with the
verification of the Sample collection procedure, (not including the passing of the
Sample). This person may be a member of the Athlete’s support personnel, such as a
coach or team doctor, a family member, or other.
Chaperone: An official who is trained and authorized by the ADO to carry out specific
duties including one or more of the following: notification of the Athlete selected for
Sample collection; accompanying and observing the Athlete until arrival at the Doping
Control Station; and/or witnessing and verifying the provision of the Sample where
the training qualifies him/her to do so.
Chain of Custody: The sequence of individuals or organizations who have the
responsibility for a Sample from the provision of the Sample until the Sample has
been received for analysis.
Doping Control Officer (DCO): An official who has been trained and authorized by
the ADO with delegated responsibility for the on-site management of a Sample
Collection Session.

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