Thursday 2 February 2012

Sample Storage

7.7 Sample Storage
7.7.1 The DCO has the responsibility for ensuring, in accordance with the ADO
criteria for Sample storage, that all Samples are stored in a manner that
protects their identity, integrity and security whilst in the Doping Control
7.7.2 Samples must not be left unattended, unless they are locked away in a
refrigerator or cupboard, for example. Access should be restricted to
authorized personnel.
7.7.3 Where possible, Samples should be stored in a cool environment. Warm
conditions should be avoided.
7.7.4 The DCO shall accurately complete appropriate documentation for each
transport bag/container to ensure that the laboratory can verify the contents of
the bag/container.
7.7.5 The DCO shall follow the ADO’s system to ensure that, where required,
instructions for the type of analysis to be conducted are provided to the
7.7.6 The DCO shall complete the laboratory advice form/Chain of Custody form. The
laboratory copy of this form(s) and the laboratory copy of the Doping Control
form should be placed in the transport bag with the Samples, and sealed,
preferably in the presence of a second person. Documentation identifying the
Athlete shall not be included with the Samples.
7.7.7 If relevant, the DCO should record the times the transport bag is opened and
re-sealed on the laboratory advice form or Chain of Custody form.
7.7.8 The DCO shall keep the Samples secured and under his or her control until
they are passed to the courier.

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