Thursday 2 February 2012

Conducting the Sample Collection Session part 2

7.2.6 The DCO shall verify, in full view of the Athlete, that the Suitable Volume of
Urine for Analysis has been provided.
7.2.7 Once a urine Sample of at least 90mL has been collected, or the Athlete has
provided a partial Sample and is unable to provide any more urine at this time,
the Witness shall escort the Athlete, who shall carry his/her own Sample, back
to the administration area. The Athlete should be encouraged to provide as
much volume as possible and Sample Collection Personnel should note where
an Athlete makes attempts to provide only the bare minimum.
7.2.8 If an Athlete wishes to wash his/her hands after passing the Sample, the
Sample shall at this time be placed in a safe and secure location, in full view of
both the Athlete and the Witness.
7.2.9 If the Witness observes any unusual behavior by the Athlete while witnessing
the passing of the Sample, this shall be reported to the DCO as soon as
possible, and documented.
7.2.10 The Witness shall sign the relevant documentation to verify that he/she
witnessed Sample provision in accordance with procedures.

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