Wednesday 1 February 2012

Doping Control Station

Doping Control Station: The location where the Sample Collection Session will be
Sample Collection Equipment: Containers or apparatus used to directly collect or
hold the Sample at any time during the Sample collection process. Sample Collection
Equipment shall, as a minimum, consist of:
 For urine Sample collection:
- Collection vessels for collecting the Sample as it leaves the Athlete’s body;
- Sealable and tamper-evident bottles and lids for securing the Sample;
- Partial Sample kit.
Sample Collection Personnel: A collective term for qualified officials authorized by
the ADO who may carry out or assist with duties during the Sample Collection Session.
Sample Collection Session: All of the sequential activities that directly involve the
Athlete from notification until the Athlete leaves the Doping Control Station having
provided his/her Samples(s).
Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis: Specific gravity measured at 1.05 or higher
with a refractometer, or 1.010 or higher with lab sticks.
Suitable Volume of Urine for Analysis: A minimum of 90 mL for full or part menu

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