Thursday 2 February 2012

Code Article 5 Testing

Article 5 Testing

5.1 Test Distribution Planning
. Subject to the jurisdictional limitations for In-Competition Testing in Article 15.1, each National Anti-Doping Organization shall have Testing jurisdiction over all Athletes who are present in that National Anti-Doping Organization’s country or who are nationals, residents, license-holders or members of sport organizations of that country. Each International Federation shall have Testing jurisdiction over all Athletes who are members of their member National Federations or who participate in their Events. All Athletes must comply with any request for Testing by any Anti-Doping Organization with Testing jurisdiction. In coordination with other Anti-Doping Organizations conducting Testing on the same Athletes, and consistent with the International Standard for Testing, each Anti-Doping Organization shall:

5.1.1 Plan and conduct an effective number of In-Competition and Out-of-Competition tests on Athletes over whom they have jurisdiction, including but not limited to Athletes in their respective Registered Testing Pools. Each International Federation shall establish a Registered Testing Pool for International-Level Athletes in its sport, and each National Anti-Doping Organization shall establish a national Registered Testing Pool for Athletes who are present in that National Anti-Doping Organization’s country or who are nationals, residents, license-holders or members of sports organizations of that country. In accordance with  
Article 14.3, any
Athlete included in a Registered Testing Pool shall be subject to the whereabouts requirements set out in the International Standard for Testing.

5.1.2 Except in exceptional circumstances all
Out-of-Competition Testing shall be No Advance Notice.

5.1.3 Make
Target Testing a priority.

5.1.4 Conduct
Testing on Athletes serving a period of Ineligibility or a Provisional Suspension.

[Comment to Article 5.1.3: Target Testing is specified because random Testing, or even weighted random Testing, does not ensure that all of the appropriate Athletes will be tested (e.g., world-class Athletes, Athletes whose performances have dramatically improved over a short period of time, Athletes whose coaches have had other Athletes test positive, etc.).

Obviously, Target Testing must not be used for any purpose other than legitimate Doping Control. The Code makes it clear that Athletes have no right to expect that they will be tested only on a random basis. Similarly, it does not impose any reasonable suspicion or probable cause requirement for Target Testing.]

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