Wednesday 1 February 2012


4. Responsibility
4.1 Doping Control Officer (DCO)
(One lead/senior DCO should take responsibility for Sample collection services)
 Organize and brief Sample Collection Personnel.
 Ensure that Chaperones are trained in carrying out relevant activities.
 Liaise with sport representatives, if relevant.
 Organize equipment, including all relevant documentation.
 Assess and organize the facilities.
 Arrange or perform notification and escorting of Athletes.
 Ensure that the Athlete’s rights and responsibilities are explained.
 Explain, or arrange explanation of, the process for urine Sample collection
to Athletes and Athlete Representatives, as necessary.
 Witness, or arrange the witnessing of, Sample provision.
 Co-ordinate collection of accompanying blood Sample if necessary.
 Complete, or arrange completion of, and verify, the relevant paperwork.
 Verify the Chain of Custody.
 Organize courier services, if necessary.

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