Thursday 2 February 2012

Assess the facilities part 2

[5.3.2 Comment: In order to ensure efficiency of Athlete notification and chaperoning, the DCO
should consider the location of the Doping Control Station. For some sporting venues, the Doping
Control Station may be some distance from where the Athletes compete/finish. In such cases the
DCO should seek to arrange appropriate transportation for Athletes and Sample Collection
Personnel. Alternatively, the DCO should seek to locate the Doping Control Station closer to
where the Athletes compete/finish their Competition.]
5.3.3 For Out-of-Competition Testing, the facilities used should, where possible,
provide a suitable environment for waiting and administration, and shall afford
the Athlete privacy.
[5.3.3 Comment: Although the term ‘Doping Control Station’ is also used for Out-of-Competition
Testing, this facility might be an Athlete’s home or a hotel room, rather than an officially
designated facility for Doping Control.]
5.3.4 Access to the Doping Control Station is restricted to the Athlete, the Athlete
Representative, an interpreter if required, and Sample Collection Personnel,
unless otherwise agreed by the DCO. Additional personnel requesting access
may include an IF representative, an ADO observer, an auditor or a WADA
Independent Observer. These personnel should have adequate authorization
available for the DCO to review upon arrival at the Doping Control Station.
5.3.5 The DCO may wish to assign a member of the Sample Collection Personnel to
monitor access to the Doping Control Station, and ensure that only
unauthorized persons are admitted.
5.3.6 Members of the media must not be allowed to enter the Doping Control Station
at any time.

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