Thursday 2 February 2012

Notification After Initial Review Regarding Adverse Analytical Findings

7.2 Notification After Initial Review Regarding Adverse Analytical Findings If the initial review of an Adverse Analytical Finding under Article 7.1 does not reveal an applicable therapeutic use exemption or entitlement to a therapeutic use exemption as provided in the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions, or departure that caused the Adverse Analytical Finding, the Anti-Doping Organization shall promptly notify the Athlete, in the manner set out in its rules, of: (a) the Adverse Analytical Finding; (b) the anti-doping rule violated; (c) the Athlete's right to promptly request the analysis of the B Sample or, failing such request, that the B Sample analysis may be deemed waived; (d) the scheduled date, time and place for the B Sample analysis if the Athlete or Anti-Doping Organization chooses to request an analysis of the B Sample; (e) the opportunity for the Athlete and/or the Athlete's representative to attend the B Sample opening and analysis within the time period specified in the International Standard for Laboratories if such analysis is requested; and (f) the Athlete's right to request copies of the A and B Sample laboratory documentation package which includes information as required by the International Standard for Laboratories. The Anti-Doping Organization shall also notify the other Anti-Doping Organizations described in Article 14.1.2. If the Anti-Doping Organization decides not to bring forward the Adverse Analytical Finding as an anti-doping rule violation, it shall so notify the Athlete and the Anti-Doping Organizations as described in Article 14.1.2.

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