Thursday 2 February 2012

Insufficient volume

7.3 Insufficient volume
7.3.1 In the event that an Athlete is unable to provide 90 mL of urine, the DCO shall
follow the procedure for a partial Sample.
7.3.2 The DCO shall advise the Athlete that the partial Sample provided shall be
secured and a further Sample collected.
7.3.3 The DCO shall instruct the Athlete to select partial Sample Collection
Equipment, as per 7.1. It is recommended that there are at least three partial
Sample kits from which to choose.
7.3.4 The DCO shall then instruct the Athlete to open the relevant equipment, pour
the insufficient Sample into the container, and seal it as directed by the DCO.
The DCO shall check, in full view of the Athlete, that the container has been
properly sealed.
7.3.5 The DCO and the Athlete shall check that the equipment code number and the
volume and identity of the insufficient Sample are recorded accurately by the
DCO. The Athlete and DCO may initial or sign the documentation to show they
are satisfied with the procedure.
7.3.6 The Athlete should return to the waiting area, and shall remain under
observation until ready to provide a further Sample.

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