Thursday 2 February 2012

Athlete notification

[6.1.3 Comment: In some Sample Collection Sessions, for example In-Competition Testing or
Testing at training camps, the DCO/Chaperone may require assistance from a third party, for
example a sport representative, in locating and identifying certain Athletes. This may be due to
the DCO/Chaperone being unfamiliar with the Athlete or the venue at which the Sample Collection
Session is taking place.]
In both these cases, it is still the DCO/Chaperone who should conduct the notification of
the Athlete.
6.1.4 The DCO/Chaperone shall, at a minimum, verbally confirm the Athlete’s
identity. If the Athlete is carrying photo ID, this may be checked at this stage.
An Athlete’s inability to provide photo ID shall not invalidate a test. Formal
identification can be established by starting number, accreditation, third party
witness, or other viable method as established by the ADO. If the Athlete’s
identity is unknown and cannot be established in any manner, the DCO must
contact the ADO for further instructions.
6.1.5 The DCO/Chaperone should show the Athlete the notification form (which may
be part of the Doping Control form), and shall then notify the Athlete of the
 That the Athlete is required to undergo a Sample collection
 The authority under which Sample collection is to be conducted(i.e. the
Testing Authority)
 The type of Sample Collection (i.e. urine, blood or both) and any conditions
that need to be adhered to prior to Sample collection, including the
requirement for the Athlete to provide their Sample in direct observation of
a DCO/Chaperone.
 The Athlete’s rights, including the right to:
- Have an Athlete Representative present throughout the course of the
entire Sample collection process (other than Sample provision) and if
available, an interpreter.
- Ask for additional information about the Sample collection process.
- Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station for valid
reasons (see 6.1.11 for what constitutes valid reasons).
- Request modifications to the Sample collection procedure if the
Athlete has a disability (see section 9)
 The Athlete’s responsibilities, including the requirement to:
- Remain within direct observation of the DCO/Chaperone at all times
from the point of notification by the DCO/Chaperone until the
completion of the Sample collection process.
- Produce appropriate and valid identification in accordance with 6.1.4.
- Comply with the Sample collection procedures (and the Athlete
should be advised of the possible consequences of Failure to Comply)
- Report immediately for a test, unless there are valid reasons for a
delay, as determined by the DCO.
 The location of the Doping Control Station.

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