Thursday 2 February 2012

Appendix 1: Chaperone Training Guidelines part 2

6. The DCO should demonstrate the notification procedure by means of role-play,
should observe the Chaperone practice at least once, and point out mistakes as
well as providing praise.
7. The DCO shall inform the Chaperones that any strange behavior by Athletes, such
as ingestion of unknown substances, or evasion, shall be discretely reported to the
DCO upon arrival at the Doping Control Station.
8. The DCO should encourage questions from the Chaperones.
9. The DCO should arrange a location and time for the Chaperones to receive
information specific to the Athlete they will be notifying.
NOTE: whenever possible, notifying Chaperones should be assigned to Athletes of the
same gender.
10. Notifying Chaperones should then sign the relevant agreement which should as a
minimum require a commitment to confidentiality and outline a code of conduct.
The form should also require the Notifying Chaperone to provide their contact
details and date of birth.
11.The Chaperones should, where possible, have an opportunity to assess the
location and plan the approach and timing of notification, taking into account the
specific circumstances of the session.
12.The DCO should provide guidelines as to the Chaperone’s responsibilities after the
Athlete has arrived at the Doping Control Station (i.e. whether they are free to
leave, or have further responsibilities).

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