Thursday 2 February 2012


1.0 Introduction and scope
The main purpose of the
International Standard for Testing is to plan for effective Testing, both In-Competition and Out-of-Competition, and to maintain the integrity and identity of the Samples collected, from the point the Athlete is notified of the test to the point the Samples are transported to the laboratory for analysis.

International Standard for Testing includes standards for test distribution planning, notification of Athletes, preparing for and conducting Sample collection, security/post test administration and transport of Samples.

In addition, Section 11.0 of the
International Standard for Testing sets out mandatory standards to be implemented by IFs and NADOs (as well as recognised and applied by other Anti-Doping Organizations) as the whereabouts requirements applicable to Athletes in their respective Registered Testing Pools. Failure to comply with such requirements three times in an 18-month period shall constitute an anti-doping rule violation under Article 2.4 of the Code.

International Standard for Testing, including all annexes, is mandatory for all Signatories to the Code.

The World Anti-Doping Program encompasses all of the elements needed in order to ensure optimal harmonization and best practice in international and national anti-doping programs. The main elements are: the
Code (Level 1), International Standards (Level 2), and Models of Best Practice (Level 3).

In the introduction to the
Code, the purpose and implementation of the International Standards are summarized as follows:

"International Standards for different technical and operational areas within the anti-doping program will be developed in consultation with the Signatories and governments and approved by WADA. The purpose of the International Standards is harmonization among Anti-Doping Organizations responsible for specific technical and operational parts of the anti-doping programs. Adherence to the International Standards is mandatory for compliance with the Code. The International Standards may be revised from time to time by the WADA Executive Committee after reasonable consultation with the Signatories and governments. Unless provided otherwise in the Code, International Standards and all revisions shall become effective on the date specified in the International Standard or revision."
Definitions specified in the Code are written in italics. Additional definitions specific to the International Standard for Testing are underlined.

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