Thursday 2 February 2012

Code Article 15 Clarification of Doping Control Responsibilities:

Article 15 Clarification of Doping Control Responsibilities:

15.1 Event Testing

The collection of
Samples for Doping Control does and should take place at both International Events and National Events. However, except as otherwise provided below, only a single organization should be responsible for initiating and directing Testing during the Event Period. At International Events, the collection of Doping Control Samples shall be initiated and directed by the international organization which is the ruling body for the Event (e.g., the International Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games, the International Federation for a World Championship, and Pan-American Sports Organization for the Pan American Games). At National Events, the collection of Doping Control Samples shall be initiated and directed by the designated National Anti-Doping Organization of that country.

15.1.1 If an Anti-Doping Organization which is not responsible for initiating and directing Testing at an Event nevertheless desires to conduct additional Testing of Athletes at the Event during the Event Period, the Anti-Doping Organization shall first confer with the ruling body of the Event to obtain permission to conduct, and
to coordinate, any additional
Testing. If the Anti-Doping Organization is not satisfied with the response from the ruling body of the Event, the Anti-Doping Organization may ask WADA for permission to conduct additional Testing and to determine how to coordinate such additional Testing. WADA shall not grant approval for such additional Testing before consulting with and informing the ruling body for the Event.

[Comment to Article 15.1.1: Before giving approval to a National Anti-Doping Organization to initiate and conduct Testing at an International Event, WADA shall consult with the international organization which is the ruling body for the Event. Before giving approval to an International Federation to initiate and conduct Testing at a National Event, WADA shall consult with the National Anti-Doping Organization of the country where the Event takes place. The Anti-Doping Organization "initiating and directing Testing" may, if it chooses, enter into agreements with other organizations to which it delegates responsibility for Sample collection or other aspects of the Doping Control process.]

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