Thursday 2 February 2012

Arrival at the Doping Control Station

6.3.1 The Athlete arrives at the Doping Control Station with a DCO/Chaperone and, if
requested, an Athlete Representative and/or interpreter. At this time, the
Athlete should present photo ID to the DCO. An Athlete’s inability to provide
photo ID shall not invalidate a test. Alternative methods of Athlete
identification are outlined in 6.1.4.
6.3.2 An entry and exit log should be maintained to record the names of the persons
entering facility, their position, and the times of arrival and departure.
6.3.3 The Athlete shall be provided with the opportunity to hydrate.
6.3.4 If the Athlete is providing a blood Sample at the same session, the DCO may
request that the Athlete provide the blood Sample first.
6.3.5 Irrespective of the Testing type, once the Athlete has arrived at the Doping
Control Station he/she must be under observation at all times until Sample
collection is completed.
6.3.6 The Athlete may request to leave the Doping Control Station for a time, for
reasons defined in 6.1.11. The Athlete must be escorted continuously at such
times, and the purpose of leaving, agreed time of return, and actual time of
return shall be documented by the DCO. If a Chaperone is not available, the
DCO shall ask the Athlete to remain in the Doping Control Station. If an
Athlete insists on leaving the Doping Control Station, the circumstances shall
be documented by the DCO.
6.3.7 Before Sample collection, the DCO should ask the Athlete whether they have
been tested before, and whether they require an explanation of the collection
6.3.8 If the Athlete has not been tested before, or requests an explanation of the
procedure, the DCO should explain the Sample collection procedure to the
6.3.9 As a minimum, the DCO shall ensure the Athlete is informed of the
requirements of the Sample Collection Session and his/her rights and

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