Thursday 2 February 2012

Out-of-Competition Testing

Out-of-Competition Testing

Out-of-Competition Testing
shall be initiated and directed by both international and national organizations. Out-of-Competition Testing may be initiated and directed by: (a) WADA; (b) the International Olympic Committee or International Paralympic Committee in connection with the Olympic Games or Paralympic Games; (c) the Athlete's International Federation; or (d) any other Anti-Doping Organization that has Testing jurisdiction over the Athlete as provided in Article 5.1 (Test Distribution Planning). Out-of-Competition Testing shall be coordinated through ADAMS where reasonably feasible in order to maximize the effectiveness of the combined Testing effort and to avoid unnecessary repetitive Testing of individual Athletes.

[Comment to Article 15.2: Additional authority to conduct Testing may be authorized by means of bilateral or multilateral agreements among Signatories and governments.]

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