Thursday 2 February 2012

Athlete notification part 2

 That should the Athlete choose to consume food or fluids prior to providing
a Sample, he/she does so at his/her own risk, and should in any event
avoid excessive rehydration, having in mind the requirement to produce a
Sample with a Suitable Specific Gravity for Analysis.
 That the Sample provided by the Athlete to the Sample Collection Personnel
should be the first urine passed by the Athlete subsequent to notification,
i.e. he/she should not pass urine in the shower or otherwise prior to
providing a Sample to the Sample Collection Personnel.
[6.1.5 Comment: (i) The Testing Authority is the Anti-Doping Organisation that has initiated and
authorized the Sample Collection Session. (ii) For requirements specific to blood Sample collection,
refer to the Guidelines for Blood Sample Collection.]
6.1.6 The DCO/Chaperone should encourage the presence of a third party during the
notification process where the Athlete is a Minor, it is required by an Athlete’s
disability or in situations where an interpreter is required.
6.1.7 If a selected Athlete is not located based on available information, the DCO
may attempt to locate the Athlete by other means, but ensure that No
Advance Notice notification is used as a notification method. The DCO should
notify the ADO for further instructions if the Athlete is not located.
[6.1.7 Comment: In the event that a DCO is unable to locate an Athlete based on the available
information, the DCO should in most cases (for e.g. for In-Competition Testing) attempt to locate
the Athlete by other means. If the DCO is attempting to locate the Athlete for an Out-of-
Competition test, during a specific 60-minute time slot as designated in the Athlete’s
Whereabouts Filing, the DCO shall follow the procedures set out in the International Standard for
Testing 11.4.3 (b) & (c). Under no circumstances shall the DCO/Chaperone make a telephone call
to the Athlete to locate them.]
6.1.8 The Athlete shall read and sign the Athlete notification form or Doping Control
form as directed by the DCO/Chaperone.
6.1.9 If an Athlete copy of the official notification record exists, this will be given to
the Athlete.
6.1.10 If the Athlete refuses to sign that he/she has been notified, or evades
notification, the DCO/Chaperone shall make all reasonable attempts to
persuade the Athlete to comply, including informing the Athlete again of the
consequences of refusing or failing to comply. If the Athlete continues to
refuse, the DCO/Chaperone must report all the relevant facts to the DCO
immediately, and the DCO shall attempt to notify the Athlete. If the Athlete
still refuses to be notified, the DCO shall document the facts, including the
reasons for refusal given by the Athlete. The DCO should endeavor to obtain
Witness signatures to confirm the Athlete’s refusal, and shall contact the ADO
for further instructions as soon as possible.

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