Thursday 2 February 2012

Review of Atypical Findings

7.3 Review of
Atypical Findings
As provided in the
International Standards, in some circumstances laboratories are directed to report the presence of Prohibited Substances, which may also be produced endogenously, as Atypical Findings subject to further investigation. Upon receipt of an A Sample Atypical Finding, the Anti-Doping Organization responsible for results management shall conduct a review to determine whether: (a) an applicable therapeutic use exemption has been granted, or (b) there is any apparent departure from the International Standard for Testing or International Standard for Laboratories that caused the Atypical Finding. If that review does not reveal an applicable therapeutic use exemption or departure that caused the Atypical Finding, the Anti-Doping Organization shall conduct the required investigation. After the investigation is completed, the Athlete and other Anti-Doping Organizations identified in Article 14.1.2 shall be notified whether or not the Atypical Finding will be brought forward as an Adverse Analytical Finding. The Athlete shall be notified as provided in Article 7.2.
7.3.1 The
Anti-Doping Organization will not provide notice of an Atypical Finding until it has completed its investigation and decided whether it will bring the Atypical Finding forward as an Adverse Analytical Finding unless one of the following circumstances exist:

(a)If the Anti-Doping Organization determines the B Sample should be analyzed prior to the conclusion of its investigation under Article 7.3, the
Anti-Doping Organization
may conduct the B Sample analysis after notifying the Athlete, with such notice to include a description of the Atypical Finding and the information described in Article 7.2(b)-(f).
(b)If the
Anti-Doping Organization receives a request, either from a Major Event Organization shortly before one of its International Events or a request from a sport organization responsible for meeting an imminent deadline for selecting team members for an International Event, to disclose whether any Athlete identified on a list provided by the Major Event Organization or sport organization has a pending Atypical Finding, the Anti-Doping Organization shall so identify any such Athlete after first providing notice of the Atypical Finding to the Athlete.

[Comment to Article 7.3.1(b): Under the circumstance described in Article 7.3.1(b), the option to take action would be left to the Major Event Organization or sport organization consistent with its rules.]

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