Thursday 2 February 2012

Dividing and sealing the Sample part 2

7.4.4 If both the DCO and the Athlete agree that none of the urine kits are
satisfactory, the DCO shall terminate the session, and record the reasons.
7.4.5 The Athlete and the DCO shall check the urine kit to ensure that all the
numbers of the A and B containers correspond.
7.4.6 If the numbers do not correspond, the DCO shall instruct the Athlete to select
another kit. The DCO shall document this.
7.4.7 The DCO shall record the urine kit numbers and the Athlete and the DCO shall
check the documentation to ensure that the DCO has accurately recorded the
numbers of the A and B containers.
7.4.8 The Athlete shall pour the required minimum volume of urine into the B
container. The recommended amount is a minimum of 30mL.
7.4.9 The Athlete shall pour the remainder of the urine into the A container. The
recommended amount is a minimum of 60mL. If the A container is filled to
capacity the Athlete shall then pour any remaining urine into the B container,
always leaving a residual amount of urine in the collection vessel.
7.4.10 The DCO shall instruct the Athlete in the sealing of the A and B containers.
Both the DCO and the Athlete shall check that the bottles are securely sealed.
7.4.11 The DCO shall confirm that the Sample meets the requirements for analysis, as
specified by the ADO in accordance with the laboratory standards, by testing
the residual volume of urine remaining in the collection vessel for specific
gravity (greater than or equal to 1.005 if using a refractometer, or 1.010 with
lab sticks. Reagent strips and/or a refractometer may be used.
7.4.12 The DCO shall ensure that any residual urine that will not be sent for analysis
is discarded in full view of the Athlete.

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