Thursday 2 February 2012

Insufficient volume part 2

7.3.7 Either the Athlete or the DCO shall retain control of the Sample. The DCO shall
ensure that the sealed partial Sample is securely stored (under continuous
observation or locked away in a secure area). If the Athlete retains possession
of the Sample, it must be placed in a secure area, and must remain under the
observation of Sample Collection Personnel.
7.3.8 When the Athlete is ready to provide more urine, the Sample provision process
shall recommence.
7.3.9 To ensure continuity of the process, and for the comfort of the Athlete, the
Witness should be the same Witness as for the initial attempt, whenever
possible. However, a change of Witness shall in no way affect the integrity of
the process.
7.3.10 The Athlete shall select a new Sample collection vessel, and repeat the
process as per 7.1.
7.3.11 This process shall be repeated until the DCO is satisfied that the Athlete has
provided the required volume of urine once the initial and additional Samples
are combined.
7.3.12 The DCO shall ask the Athlete to inspect their partial Sample(s) to ensure that
the seals are secure. Any irregularities shall be recorded by the DCO on the
Doping Control documentation or in a separate report to the ADO.
7.3.13 The DCO shall then direct the Athlete to break the seal of the partial Sample
container(s) and combine the Samples in a new collection vessel, beginning
with the first partial Sample provided and each subsequent partial Sample until
the desired volume is reached.
7.3.14 Once a minimum of 90 mL of urine has been collected, the DCO and Athlete
shall proceed to the next stage.

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