Thursday 2 February 2012

Review of Other Anti-Doping Rule Violations Not Covered by Articles 7.1–7.3

7.4 Review of Other Anti-Doping Rule Violations Not Covered by Articles 7.1–7.3

The Anti-Doping Organization or other reviewing body established by such organization shall conduct any follow-up investigation into a possible anti-doping rule violation as may be required under applicable anti-doping policies and rules adopted pursuant to the Code or which the Anti-Doping Organization otherwise considers appropriate. At such time as the Anti-Doping Organization is satisfied that an anti-doping rule violation has occurred, it shall promptly give the Athlete or other Person subject to sanction notice, in the manner set out in its rules, of the anti-doping rule violated, and the basis of the violation. Other Anti-Doping Organizations shall be notified as provided in Article 14.1.2.

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