Thursday 2 February 2012

Athlete Notification and Chaperoning

6.1 Athlete notification
6.1.1 The DCO/Chaperone shall establish the location of the selected Athlete, and
plan the approach and timing of notification, taking into account any specific
circumstances such as the Competition/training schedule, and such that the
notification will be carried out as No-Advance-Notice notification.
[6.1.1 Comment: The DCO should take into consideration all logistical factors, be it venue-specific,
sport-specific etc, when planning the appropriate timing and approach for Athlete notification.
Some factors to consider (this list is not exhaustive) include; challenges faced in sports with mass
finishes, the presence of a Mixed Zone at the venue, using Technical Delegates to assist in the
identifying/confirming final positions, sports where it is common that Athletes are Minors and/or
have a disability that may require a third party present during notification. All relevant factors
should be communicated to all Sample Collection Personnel.]
6.1.2 The DCO/Chaperone shall identify him/herself and shall show the Athlete the
official authorization documentation that is provided and controlled by the ADO
which has granted the authority to test. Additional photo identification proving
affiliation to the authorized Sample collection authority shall also be provided,
if this authority is not the ADO which authorized the test. DCO identification
documents shall include name, photograph, and the documents’ expiry date.
Chaperones do not require documentation identifying them by name or
photograph but as a minimum shall produce official authorization
documentation that is provided by the ADO, such as an Authorization Letter.
6.1.3 It is the DCO/Chaperone’s responsibility to ensure that the Athlete is the first
one notified that he/she has been selected for Sample collection. Only in the
following instances may there be an exception to this:
 Where the Athlete is a Minor, has a disability and/or where an interpreter is
needed and the ADO/DCO/Chaperone consider it a requirement to notify a
third party prior to the notification of the Athlete.
 Where the DCO/Chaperone requires assistance in locating, identifying
and/or notifying the Athlete(s) selected for Testing.

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