Thursday 2 February 2012

Athlete notification part 3

6.1.11 The DCO may at their discretion consider any reasonable third party
requirement or any request by the Athlete for permission to delay reporting to the Doping Control Station following acknowledgment and acceptance of
notification; and/or to leave the Doping Control Station temporarily after
arrival. Such permission shall only be granted if the Athlete can be
continuously chaperoned and kept under direct observation during the delay
and if the request relates to the following activities:
For In-Competition Testing:
 Participation in a victory ceremony
 Fulfillment of media commitments
 Competing in further Competitions
 Performing a warm down
 Obtaining necessary medical treatment
 Locating a representative and/or interpreter
 Obtaining photo identification
 Any other exceptional circumstances which may be justified, and which shall
be documented
For Out-of-Competition Testing:
 Locating an Athlete Representative.
 Completing a training session
 Receiving necessary medical treatment
 Obtaining photo identification
 Any other exceptional circumstances which may be justified, and which shall
be documented.
6.1.12 The DCO shall document any reasons for delay in reporting to the Doping
Control Station and/or reasons for leaving the Doping Control Station that may
require further investigation by the ADO. Any failure of the Athlete to remain
under constant observation shall also be recorded.

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