Thursday 2 February 2012


9.2 Minors
9.2.1 Minors may, at their request, be accompanied by an Athlete Representative at
all times during the Sample collection procedure, including in the toilet area.
However, the Athlete Representative shall not witness the passing of the
Sample, unless requested to do so by the Athlete. The objective is to ensure
that the Witness is observing Sample provision correctly. Even if the Minor
declines a representative, the ADO, DCO or Chaperone, as applicable, should
consider whether a third party ought to be present during notification of and/or
collection of the Sample from the Athlete.
9.2.2 If a Minor declines to have a representative present during the Sample
Collection Session, this shall be clearly documented by the DCO. Failure to do
so does not invalidate the test. If a Minor declines the presence of a
representative, the representative of a DCO/Chaperone must be present.
9.2.3 The Athlete Representative or the DCO should explain the Doping Control
documentation to the Athlete, if necessary.
9.2.4 If the Minor is accompanied for the verification of procedure (signing of the
Doping Control form) the Athlete Representative should sign in addition to the

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