Thursday 2 February 2012

Conducting the Sample Collection Session

7.1 Selection of the Sample collection vessel
7.1.1 The Athlete shall be given a choice of Sample collection vessels, from which
they will be asked to choose one. It is recommended that there are at least
three Sample collection vessels from which to choose.
7.1.2 The Athlete shall check that the equipment is clean and intact. If the Athlete is
not satisfied with the equipment, they should make another selection.
7.1.3 If the Athlete is not satisfied with any of the equipment, and the DCO does not
agree with the Athlete’s opinion that all of the available equipment is
unsatisfactory, the DCO shall instruct the Athlete to proceed with the Sample
Collection Session and the Athlete’s views must be recorded on the Doping
Control documentation by the DCO.
7.1.4 If both the DCO and the Athlete agree that none of the equipment is
satisfactory, the DCO shall terminate Sample collection, and record the
7.1.5 From this point, the Sample collection vessel shall be handled only by the
Athlete unless the Athlete authorizes the DCO/Chaperone or the Athlete
Representative to handle the vessel on his/her behalf. Such authorization
must be documented.
7.2 Sample provision
7.2.1 The Witness (DCO or Chaperone) shall escort the Athlete to the toilet facility.
The Athlete will carry his/her own Sample collection vessel.
7.2.2 The Witness shall be of the same gender as the Athlete providing the Sample.
7.2.3 Where practicable, the DCO should ensure the Athlete thoroughly washes
his/her hands before providing a Sample.
7.2.4 Once in the toilet facility the Athlete must remove all clothing between the
waist and mid-thigh, in order that the witnessing Sample Collection Personnel
has an unobstructed view of Sample provision. Sleeves should be rolled up so
that the Athlete’s arms and hands are also clearly visible.
7.2.5 The Witness shall directly observe the Athlete provide the urine Sample,
adjusting his/her position so as to have a clear view of the Sample leaving the
Athlete’s body.

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