Thursday 2 February 2012


7.6 Paperwork
[7.6 Comment: See WADA’s standardized Doping Control documentation for an example of
suitable documentation. See also the International Standard for Testing, 7.4.5 for minimum
7.6.1 If the Athlete provided more than one Sample and the Witness was not the
same individual that witnessed provision of the first Sample, all Witnesses shall
sign the Doping Control form.
7.6.2 If the Witness is unable to verify that he/she observed the passing of the
Sample, or reports unusual behavior by the Athlete, the DCO can require the
Athlete to provide a further Sample. This must be documented, and all
Samples collected sent to the laboratory for analysis.
7.6.3 The DCO shall request the Athlete to provide information on all medications
and/or supplements taken within the time period specified on the Doping
Control form.
[7.6.3 Comment: The recommended period for medication information is 7 days.]
7.6.4 The DCO should check all information on the form and fill in any incomplete
areas in view of the Athlete. The Witness then signs to confirm that the Sample
collection was conducted in accordance with procedures.

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