Thursday 2 February 2012

Athlete selection

5.4.1 The DCO will select Athletes according to the selection policy indicated by the
ADO. This may include one or both of the following: Target Testing (named
Athletes or categories) random selection.
[5.4.1 Comment: Selections/selection methods made by the ADO should be clearly communicated
to the DCO. For example, detailing selections in an ADAMS mission order.]
5.4.2 In the case of random selection, the ADO/DCO may choose to use one of the
following selection criteria. The criteria chosen should be appropriate for the
sport, e.g.:
 Finishing position
 Vest/jersey number
 Entry number
 Lane number
 Any other fair and transparent criteria for selection
Once the criteria have been determined, the actual selection method may be
one of the following:
 Numbered cards placed face-down on a table
 Random draw of numbers (or names) from a closed container such as a
cloth bag
 Use of an electronic random number generator
 Any other fair and transparent method of selection
[5.4.2 Comment: In order to provide transparency and accountability, random selection made in
the field may be witnessed by a coach or sporting official, or may be shown to the selected
Athlete if requested. For example a signature on the back of numbered cards. In addition to
determining the selection criteria, the DCO/ADO may wish to put in place certain contingencies for
specific scenarios. For example, randomly drawing an additional ‘reserve’ Athlete to be tested in
the event that a serious injury inhibits an Athlete from conducting Doping Control. Another
example includes putting a contingency in place for ‘dead-heats’ or disqualifications. All
contingencies put in place should be fully briefed to all relevant Sample Collection Personnel.]
5.4.3 In the case of Target Testing, the ADO will specify to the DCO which Athletes
they require for Testing. In some instances, the ADO may chose to give the
DCO discretion to decide additional Athletes selected for Target Testing.
[5.4.3 Comment: See the International Standard for Testing, 4.4.2, for factors which an ADO
should consider when selecting Athletes for Target Testing. If the ADO chooses to provide the
DCO with the discretion to target Athletes for Testing, this should be agreed prior to the Sample
Collection Session taking place and comprehensive guidance should be provided by the ADO to
the DCO. Factors that may wish to be considered for such Target Testing include suspicious
Athlete behavior. The DCO should not discuss Target Testing or the selection criteria with an
5.4.4 Following the selection of the Athlete, the DCO shall ensure that selection
decisions are disclosed on a need-to-know basis only to ensure that Testing is
No Advance Notice.

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