Wednesday 1 February 2012

Preparation for the Sample Collection Session

5. Preparation for the Sample Collection Session
Preparation for the Sample Collection Session is divided into the following steps:
5.1 Prepare the necessary equipment
5.1.1 The DCO shall ensure equipment and supplies are adequate for the Sample
Collection Session. The type of equipment may vary but, as a guideline, the
following will be made available:
 Sealed, sterile urine collection vessels.
 Partial Sample kits.
 Equipment for measuring specific gravity.
 Sealed, tamper-evident containers for A and B Samples.
 Sealed, tamper-evident transport containers (if applicable).
 Secure courier transport bags.
 Disposable gloves
 Soap or hand wash
 Paper towels
 Garbage bin or similar for disposal
 Individually sealed non-alcoholic beverages
 All Doping Control documentation, including Doping Control forms, Athlete
notification forms, supplementary report forms, Chain of Custody forms,
DCO Report Forms etc.
[5.1.1 Comment: Sufficient Sample Collection Equipment shall be made available to ensure that
at all times an Athlete selected for Testing has a choice of at least two Sample collection vessels,
Sample collection kits and Partial Sample kits. Furthermore sufficient Doping Control
documentation should be supplied based upon the number of tests being conducted.]
5.1.2 Any Sample Collection Equipment systems used shall meet the following
minimum criteria:
 Have unique numbering systems incorporated into all bottles, containers or
other item used to seal the Sample.
 Have a sealing system that is tamper evident.
 Ensure the identity of the Athlete is not evident from the equipment itself
 Ensure that all equipment is clean and sealed prior to use by the Athlete.
5.2 Brief personnel on roles and responsibilities
5.2.1 The DCO should brief the Sample Collection Personnel on their roles and
responsibilities prior to or upon arrival at the Doping Control Station. This will
include Athlete notification, chaperoning, and Sample collection (including
blood collection if applicable).
5.2.2 In the case of a team which includes Chaperones with no experience, the DCO
shall train the Chaperones on-site. Such training shall include the
requirements for notification, chaperoning and witnessing Sample provision, as
well as confidentiality obligations (see Appendix 1 for Chaperone Training
5.2.3 The DCO shall provide required documentation such as proof of authority to
conduct Sample collection, to the Sample Collection Personnel if applicable.
[5.2.3 Comment: It is the responsibility of the ADO to provide and control the official
authorization documentation used. Doping Control Authorization letters can be automatically
generated from ADAMS. The DCO may be responsible

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